Friday, February 6, 2009

Back to English

Dear Everyone,
For those of you who don't know I'm actually back in the U.S. My aunt Judith had been fighting cancer for a long time and passed away in early January after catching pneumonia, so I flew home for the funeral and to be with my family.
I'm not going back to Israel this year, but I am headed for warmer places than snow and slush covered, frost-bitten, below freezing, slippery, bundled up, runny nose, Boston. (I love this city! It's the snow that puts me off a little, you know?) My main destinations are California where my big bro Oren and his lovely lady Sarah are living, and I intend to hit up Austin, Texas to galivant with my kibbutz buddy and roommate Sydney.
If I've learned anything from this transition back to English speaking bus drivers (NEVER take something so precious for granted) and green currency, it's that things change and you have to roll with it. I don't have concrete goals for the coming months in a conventional sense, like in Israel the main objective was to learn hebrew, now I'm just looking to put myself out there and see what happens.
There are many more stories from the epic months spent on kibbutz, and I'm sure I'll convey them all eventually. It's time for some state skipping.
Wish me confidence!
Love Leeza

p.s. my last post was about Colin - when I left he was recovering beautifully. He regained full mobility, but was having trouble speaking. His daughter flew in to live and take care of him for some months, so he's in good hands. Woohoo!